About the Photographer & Film Maker

Jem is a highly accomplished photographer-filmer and a qualified unmaned aircraft system (UAS) pilot. He has photographed on several continents and his work has been published as far away as the Seychelles, Brazil, Kenya and China, in newspapers, magazines and periodicals.

Jem’s film work, both on the ground and in the air, has spanned diverse genres such as natural history, including sub-aqua, commercial promos, corporate films, award winning arts-based and documentary work for the BBC.

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If you would like to learn more about Jem's work, please do enjoy browsing through this site and feedback by using the Disqus Comments section of each gallery.

"I have an eclectic taste in subject material and I'm willing to challenge the normal conventions of subject, composition, how the finished work is presented and therefore ultimately connects to an audience."